The Via Romea Germanica covers almost 2,200 kilometres, starting from Stade in Germany and arriving in Rome. It crosses 3 countries, in 94 stages: 44 in Germany, 4 in Austria and 46 in Italy.
Described for the first time in 1256 by Alberto di Stade, a traveling monk, the Via Romea Germanica enters the province of Rovigo at San Martino di Venezze.
Along the Adige river you reach the city of Rovigo and from here, thanks to the beautiful cycle and pedestrian path along the Naviglio Adigetto, you immerse yourself in the orderly, completely flat rural landscape, deriving from the reclamation works carried out by the Este family.
Crossing the Polesine from north to south, the stage in the province of Rovigo ends on the banks of the river Po, overlapping almost entirely with the path of the Cammino di Sant’Antonio and with that of the Via del Mare cycle path (I3).
Directional signage consists of stickers identifiable by the Romea Germanica logo.
Further information available on the website: viaromeagermanica.com