Rovigo Card

The Rovigocard is a real (artistic and cultural) pass-partout for travellers coming to Rovigo, especially for the first time: an integrated ticket that allows access to several places of historical and artistic interest in one go, obviously at a reduced cost.

With the Rovigocard you can visit:

  • the Two Towers, millenary evidence of the ancient Medieval Castle built in 1138,
  • the Temple of the Beata Vergine del Soccorso, better known as “La Rotonda
  • the Teatro Sociale which, for over 200 years, has testified to the city’s love of opera, drama and dance
  • the Great Rivers Museum, which tells the story of Polesine from the Bronze Age to the Renaissance period, as well as two new rooms dedicated to mythology and amber.

With the Rovigocard you can also visit the major exhibitions at Roverella and Roncale palaces at a reduced price.

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