

The Museum is housed in the barchesse of the sixteenth-century Villa Badoer in Fratta Polesine.

In it are told, through the precious finds of the Bronze Age, over 40 years of archaeological research in Polesine.

The exhibited materials mostly come from Frattesina, one of the villages that were located along the ancient Adria’s Po between the 12th and 10th centuries BC. .

On the ground floor, thanks to detailed reconstructive drawings, it is possible to learn about the environment and the activities that took place in the town of Frattesina in the late Bronze Age.

The first floor of the Museum is instead entirely dedicated to the funerary objects from the necropolises found in the locality of Fondo Zanotto and in the locality of Narde related to the villages of Frattesina.

Further information on the website: